A Spouse’s Love!

Gail's Card of Love1

Front Cover of Card

Gail Roddy performed a one woman dinner theatre performance called ‘Calling All Mothers to the Well.’   The planning of the her first performance entailed many hours of preparation.  As a loving and supportive husband I never thought about the time it would take to help with coordinating a successful performance. I just did what any loving husband would do.  I rolled up my sleeves and got to work!


Several days after the event I got this card in the mail from Gail Roddy.

Gail's Card of Love2

Inside Card

Can we as men see the merit in supporting our spouse’s passions?

Isn’t it inspiring to know that sometimes doing the best we can to support our spouses creates emotional bonds?

College sports and defining moments

Coach Tauer & Bill Roddy

Coach John Tauer & Bill Roddy

What was a defining moment in your life as a young man?

For me, it was my freshman year in college.  I felt frustrated adapting to a new environment, the demands of playing  varsity basketball and the academic demands of a division III private university. It was during those difficult times as a freshman when alumni reached out to help with my transition.  John “Lew” Morin, a basketball alumni, spent countless hours riding to and from games talking to me about life–older, more experienced man lifting up a young man intent on making his way through college and life!

Bill, I know it frustrating adapting to a new environment.  You have a wonderful opportunity to get a great education, develop life-long relationships with other students from all corners of the world and to represent the university.”  ~ John “Lew” Morin

Coach Fritz, Bill

Coach Steve Fritz, Bill Roddy & John “Lew” Morin

This week I received the 2014 Basketball Alumni of The Year from the University of St. Thomas.  This award invoked memories that I cherish. Coaches and other basketball alumni mentored me. Now I find myself being honored. However, I feel most honored in my current role as a mentor for several current University of St. Thomas basketball team members!

Thanks Coach Fritz, Coach John Tauer and Marcus Alipate for being in my life!

Marcus A. & Bill Roddy

Wouldn’t you agree that one of most important things we take from college are the life-long relationship we develop?