Isn’t it fulfilling to observe the growth in those you love?

Henry & Bill Reconnection 12.30.14

“I want to grow. I want to be better. You Grow. We all grow. We’re made to grow. You either evolve or you disappear.” 

~ Tupac  Shakur

Growth  groth / noun

1. The process of growing,  A stage in the process of growing,  Full development: MATURITY.


“Hey Mr. Roddy, I’ll be in town next week for a few days and would love to meet with you.  I have lots of great news to share.” ~ H.S.

I’ve had many topics of discussion that encompass manhood development with the young men I’ve mentored.  When they update me on their lives and the growth they’ve experienced over the years I reminisce over the conversations we had.

“Mr. Roddy,  thanks for meeting with me.  I just want to let you know that I’married.  I am living out of state now, working and my spouse and I have big plans for our lives.

“I want to let you know that I learned so much from Mrs. Roddy and you.  I’ve applied much of what I observed from you as an adult man.”

Being part of young mens’ growth, maturity, and transition into manhood is fulfilling.  Hearing about their marriages is special to me.  As a married man I know the value my wife has added to my life. To know that just by observing me, they have a good platform in which to start their journey together as a committed couple.


Doesn’t it give us confidence to know that those we love and mentor are truly watching and are influenced by our behavior?

A Spouse’s Love!

Gail's Card of Love1

Front Cover of Card

Gail Roddy performed a one woman dinner theatre performance called ‘Calling All Mothers to the Well.’   The planning of the her first performance entailed many hours of preparation.  As a loving and supportive husband I never thought about the time it would take to help with coordinating a successful performance. I just did what any loving husband would do.  I rolled up my sleeves and got to work!


Several days after the event I got this card in the mail from Gail Roddy.

Gail's Card of Love2

Inside Card

Can we as men see the merit in supporting our spouse’s passions?

Isn’t it inspiring to know that sometimes doing the best we can to support our spouses creates emotional bonds?

What attributes of Mr. Mandela do you admire?


BillRoddy_ManhoodFTHood_FBArt_61913_16As we mourn the passing of Nelson Mandela I reflect on the life lessons he embodied.

I admire his forgiveness and perseverance!

Couldn’t we all learn and grow from these attributes that he personified?

 How many of us could keep a loving heart after being incarcerated for 27 years?


 As an adult man, husband, mentor and business owner, I try to follow these attributes.  Sometimes life throws obstacles in our lives to present us with the opportunity to grow.  There were times when I didn’t want to deal with these “opportunities.”


Could you imagine being in Nelson Mandela’s position when he was a young man?


Had a chat this evening with a young man I mentor: “Mr. Roddy, How could Mr. Mandela be incarcerated for 27 years and not remain angry toward the people who incarcerated him? I’m only 25 and it’s hard for me to understand.”


“It is hard to understand, I admire his forgiveness and perseverance.” I responded.


 Rest in peace Mr. Mandela, you have inspired us all!