A Spouse’s Love!

Gail's Card of Love1

Front Cover of Card

Gail Roddy performed a one woman dinner theatre performance called ‘Calling All Mothers to the Well.’   The planning of the her first performance entailed many hours of preparation.  As a loving and supportive husband I never thought about the time it would take to help with coordinating a successful performance. I just did what any loving husband would do.  I rolled up my sleeves and got to work!


Several days after the event I got this card in the mail from Gail Roddy.

Gail's Card of Love2

Inside Card

Can we as men see the merit in supporting our spouse’s passions?

Isn’t it inspiring to know that sometimes doing the best we can to support our spouses creates emotional bonds?

Can teaching youth and young adults entrepreneurship be a job creator?

BillRoddy_ManhoodFTHood_FBArt_61913_42Wouldn’t it be terrific if entrepreneurship was taught starting in elementary school?

Osiris Organization has witnessed the remarkable benefits of teaching young adults how to become entrepreneurs.

Being a part of their awakening as they learn about business structures, marketing, selling, fiscal responsibility and the creation of the their legacies that they will eventually pass down their children.

As a social entrepreneur, I enjoy growing and learning along with them.  They have become confidants, business partners, wonderful husbands and fathers.

I enjoy listening to their aspirations regarding the legacy they want to leave their young families.

An article in the USA Today by Rick C. Wade highlights much of what we been teaching youth.  Our young adults become the creators of jobs for their community and peers!


Couldn’t our present education system learn from young entrepreneurs?

Wouldn’t it make a difference to students in our schools across our country if young entrepreneurs and our school system formed collaborations?

I hope you find Rick’s article as informative and thought provoking as I have.


Excerpts from Manhood from the Hood

We all have great people who passed through our lives when we were young. Some were of worldly esteem; most were not.

But all cared to share whatever they had with us. Some shared money; some shared time; some shared a simple kind word or phrase of encouragement or just random acts of kindness.

Their influence was immeasurable.  We have never forgotten it.

If they are still alive, find them and tell them how much they mean to your life. If they have passed on, tell them anyway. Either way your words will touch them and they will be in awe that their humble sharing meant so much!

“More excerpts from Manhood From the Hood by Coach Welter.”

57. Many years have passed and the past is the past.

58. My grandfather’s values are how we live our lives.  They taught me a lot.

59. Bill’s biological father Larry (Butch) worked at the Ford Motor Company plant in Indiana.

60. Aunt Sam taught me one of the most valuable skills in life – learning to read another person’s body language to be able to tell if they accepted you or rejected you.  She taught me this skill without so much as ever saying a word.  Aunt Sam was our family’s spiritual and emotional healer.

61. Meeting his biological father was a very healing event for Bill.

62. Baseball is about swinging the bat, not standing up there waiting for a walk. (Dale’s attitude)

63. Be the best man you can be.

64. Make sure you thank people who have helped you.

65. Values start in the home.  Mrs. Grass’ kindness taught me that.  (Chocolate chip cookies made with unconditional love by an angel)

66. What does it mean to be a patriarch?

67. Tennis is not an easy sport, but it is a great game.  Tennis and humility.