Excerpts from Manhood from the Hood

More from Coach Denny Welter and why he was so inspired by Bill’s stories of grandfather Roddy.

31.)  We bonded through class work and sports

32.) In younger days, we all got nickname given to us, usually by someone who was very respected in the community.  You never chose your own nickname.

33.)  Stay in school, stay out of trouble, and avoid drugs or alcohol.

34.)  It takes an entire village to raise a child.

35.)  Work hard on something you value.

Excerpts from Manhood from the Hood

More from Coach Denny Welter. These quotes from actually came from Bill Roddy’s grandmother. Bill shares them in Manhood From the Hood and they greatly inspired Coach Welter!

21.) Traditional southern values – visitors were always invited to eat at our homes.

22.) Always attend church on Sunday.

23.) Always treat people the way you want to be treated.

24.) Mahatma Gandhi’s statement – “Be the change in the world that you want to see.”

25.) Wear clean clothes.

Hello from Bill Roddy!

People have repeatedly asked me: “Bill, what does Manhood From the Hood stand for?”

If Manhood From the Hood were my business, most likely a community service business, our mission statement would be:

“Manhood From the Hood is committed to reclaiming and rebuilding the positive masculine ideals of integrity with commitment, strength with humility, intensity with compassion, throughout our culture.”

But Manhood From the Hood is not a business–it’s life. As mature men, we’ve gained so much experience/knowledge–experience/knowledge that we wish we’d had when we were 21. Crucial experience/knowledge that we must pass on to the next generation.

So imagine sitting down to have a conversation with your 21-year-old self. What would you say to him?

I’d like to invite you to join me in participating in a series of articles entitled, “Advice to my 21-year-old Self.” Contact me if you’d like to participate. I will interview you in a short series of questions. I will post a new interview on this blog each Friday, beginning New Year’s Eve.

A free copy of Manhood from the Hood goes to the first 10 interviewees!