Realizing your life’s purpose does not shield you from life’s disappointments.
I had a lunch meeting with a young man I’ve mentored for many years. He has struggled over the years like most of us.
“Sebastian, how are you coming along with developing a relationship with you sons and their mothers?”
“Well Mr. Roddy, I haven’t had much contact with them at all. The mothers and I just can’t seem to come to an agreement on anything so I decide to walk away from the situation.”
“What do you mean you are walking away from the situations…………..?”
These type of conversations are the most painful I’ve had with young men. They seem to think its acceptable to walk away from their responsibilities after bringing children into the world. If obstacles or adversity present themselves some of them look for the nearest exit door.
Why do some men think ‘just walking away’ from their responsibilities is acceptable?
When did this ideology consume so many young men in our today’s culture?
While growing up in the 60s and 70s in Chicago I remember many conversations my aunts and I had about being responsible, respecting young women and not to bring a child into the world while being one myself.
I know I’m just one man trying to instill positive values into the young men I mentor. As men, sometimes our efforts don’t seem to make a difference. When we see positive changes in one we press on to save one young life at a time!