It was a thrill watching the U.S. Gymnastics Championships this past weekend at the Excel Energy Center in St. Paul, Minnesota. To see those young women (and men) compete!
It was only the last twenty-five years of the 21st century that women truly began to be celebrated for their sports achievement.
Sixteen-year-old Jordyn Wieber captured the U.S all-around crown. Her coach, John Geddert cheered her on, wearing a purple shirt that matched her leotard.
I wonder how coaching young women is different from coaching young men? Maybe there isn’t a difference.
Any coaches care to weigh in? Let the discussion begin!!
More from Coach Denny Welter and why he was so inspired by Bill’s stories of grandfather Roddy.
47. The value of having a great friend.
48. Some of you are skipping classes, but you are only short-changing yourselves. You will need more than basketball in your lives. You will need your education to make it in this world. “Let basketball be a vehicle that you can use to improve your life by taking you to places you only dreamt of. Use basketball, but don’t let basketball use you.” – Coach Vaughn
49. Teachers and coaches worked together to help us mature and succeed.
50. The point guard position is a reflection of the coach on the floor. (Adam)
51. We learn a lot about ourselves from failures and disappointments.
52. Use failure to motivate you. Learn from your failures. Learn from all of life’s experiences.
53. Coach Feely and I talked about the importance of education, family values, working hard, and the contacts I would make in college that would last a lifetime.
54. My grandfather and Coach Feely had similar values. They came from different worlds and were raised in totally different environments. Did similar values transcend racial, economic, political, religious views and social barriers? What was it about family values that caused us to seek out others like ourselves? Was such seeking a verification and validation of those values? Or was it just a trait wired into our DNA that compelled us to desire a sense of belonging to one another?
55. After college, what will my life be like?
56. The value of being a good mentor and role model for younger siblings.
57. Many years have passed and the past is the past.
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